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  • Business crime, also known as white-collar criminality is omnipresent  and may affect anyone. In Austria nearly every second venture has fallen victim to it. In some 85% of such criminal acts perpetrators have been supported by insiders.Are you experiencing problems within your enterprise or do suspicious facts requiring clearance come do your mind? Do you have to provide for decisions within a narrow time-frame and require solid facts?We are your reliable partner with many years of...
  • You are looking for a detective agency that actively supports you with high professional competence? You are looking for a reliable partner who guarantees absolute discretion? Then you are absolutely right with us.The tasks of a business detective agency consist in uncovering the facts of a case of justified suspicion of white-collar crime, to substantiate them with valid evidence and to convict the perpetrator(s). Unfortunately, the perpetrators are often to be found in one's own company. From...
  • The violations of obligations by employees and employers generate a not inconsiderable economic damage and are as old as labor law itself.The violations take place here on both sides! In the case of an intended enforcement of the law, however, it must be clear that following the rules of burden of proof, the evidence must be strong enough to obtain a conviction of the other side. It should also be noted that experience has shown that the socially weaker party, usually the employee, has a slight...