For companies abroad
In addition to our security consulting services in Germany, we specialize in security concepts for companies and employees abroad. abroad
The challenge of foreign projects and their security concepts
The most common problem with security projects abroad is the lack of professional supervision and the absence of security concepts.
Bringing your own security company on board for projects abroad is often not easy. Different countries, different laws and guidelines. For example, there must be an overarching business license that allows your security partner to operate in the country and also to use the required equipment and materials on site. Local and intercultural skills are essential.
Requirements for project management of security projects abroad
To ensure your security on site, you need a competent interface on site. The following points are important for professional handling and a well-founded security concept:
- Establishment of local functioning networks
- Selection of the security company
- Implementation of audits
- Subject service providers to a background check on site
- Representation of the interface between the authorities and the company in terms of security
- Possession of intercultural competence
- Ensuring the implementation of the safety concept through audits and supervision
We have a very high level of expertise in this area due to the many years of experience of our managing director and cover the following areas:
- Strategic planning
- Tactical implementation
- Intercultural competence
- Strong networking in governmental and non-governmental organizational structures
Our portfolio of services in the area of support for security projects abroad includes
- Planning transportation safety (on land, at sea and in the air)
- Personal protection
- Plant safety in crisis regions – especially in the Middle East and Africa.
Supervision of investigation projects abroad
Who hasn’t experienced this? A detective agency abroad has been commissioned to carry out investigative work, but instead of useful results you only get high bills for services and expenses. A frequently occurring phenomenon! There are many reasons for this.
Challenges when commissioning detective agencies abroad
- On the one hand, the client has difficulties in knowing or recognizing a good investigator, or lacks the insider knowledge of what to look out for in the respective country.
- Most detective agencies have local expertise and are therefore usually well networked. However, they are usually overwhelmed by larger and international projects.
- In many cases, the detective agencies are not trustworthy and do not meet international security requirements.
- There is a financial risk of default due to the usual ongoing advance payments because there is no direct access to the investigator.
For these reasons, if you do not know the detective agency personally, you are well advised not to involve them in the entire assignment, but only partially. This means that you may need several detective agencies and informants to handle an assignment inconspicuously and effectively.
To eliminate these risks, you need a local management team that is well versed in this field. We can provide you with this management as a reliable and competent partner.
Security management for employees abroad
Other countries often require different strategic security concepts. Many crisis regions therefore require their own security concepts with prior security analysis for the deployment of employees. A risk analysis as well as planning and coordination for the deployment of personnel abroad is essential. Based on the risk analysis, a security concept with security precautions and protective measures is drawn up. This ensures that you are always prepared for emergencies.
Pre-deployment employee safety training
Companies that intend to send employees to crisis regions or culturally challenging countries on a permanent or project-related basis can make use of this service to prepare their employees for this challenge in the target country and their new workplace. In our training courses, employees from organizations are prepared for the upcoming challenges in seminar form, partly through frontal lectures, educational discussions and role plays.
Thanks to our many years of experience in various crisis regions in Africa and the Middle East as well as our experience in conducting such training courses, we offer our customers a very high “added value” in this area.
Training topics for safety training
- Problem-neutral presentation of the region and its inhabitants
- Political situation
- Cultural and religious challenges (do’s & don’t do’s)
- Risks
- Behavior (general, during transport, exceptional circumstances, traffic accident, attack on vehicle convoy, attack on workplace, kidnapping, riot)
- Escape & Evade
Whether you need advice, support or training – our competent team will support you and create a customized security concept.