
Notable Supreme Court decision on sick leave abuse

It is not always the employees who are the victims of misconduct on the part of the employer! It is also very common for the employee to harm the employer with false working time records, theft and sick leave abuse.
The following case of a 20-year-old employee from the Wels area also led to a remarkable ruling by the Supreme Court.

A 20-year-old from the Wels area in Upper Austria not only lost his job, he also had to pay around 8,000 euros to his former employer.

The employer had hired detectives for surveillance because he was suspicious of the employee’s frequent sick leave. They hit the bull’s eye on the very first day of their surveillance. Instead of lying at home sick, the 20-year-old had himself picked up around midday and visited a coffee house. He only returned home in the early morning.

To be on the safe side, the young man was monitored for two more days. On these days, too, he obviously showed that he had only faked his illness. The employment relationship was terminated immediately.

The employer also sued the former employee for reimbursement of the detective’s bill in the amount of €7,983.30.

The case went through the instances where ultimately even the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the employer.

As you can see, it is worth taking decisive action against people who damage the company!

Because false working time records, employee theft and sick leave abuse are not trivial offenses.