Security training for companies
In our training facilities (Austria, South Africa), external persons as well as our employees are continuously trained and brought up to date.
Safety training for businesses
In our professional training facilities, we offer external persons and companies basic and advanced training on all aspects of security. This is because only around ¼ of companies in Austria train their employees in the prevention of white-collar crime. For information on our training courses, please contact us. We will be happy to send you our standard program or a tailor-made training concept including a specific offer.
Excerpt from our training and further education program:
South Africa:
- On-board security
- Close Protection courses (personal protection)
- General training courses
- Hostile environment (hostile area)
- Shooting (shooting practice)
- Leadership course
- Transport protection
- Guarding companies and production plants
- Safety training for sales staff
- Customer-related training
- Training and further education on the prevention of white-collar crime
Our training and assessment facilities
Our tactical training courses have special training requirements. To meet these requirements, we have opened our subsidiary SENTINEL Investigators Special Branch Pty Ldt. in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Here we have all the necessary conditions to efficiently conduct training courses, such as personal and transport protection (private or corporate) or on-board security.
This company location is not only a training facility but also an assessment facility. Our personnel are always specially prepared for assignments in the field of special security services and receive internal training. In addition, applicants can be tested here for their suitability and external personnel can be trained in various specialist areas.
We also offer training and further education on the topic of security to external persons and companies. This is because only around ¼ of companies in Austria train their employees in the prevention of white-collar crime.
Please contact us for information on our training program. We will be happy to send you our standard program or a tailor-made training concept including a concrete offer.
Our highly trained and experienced staff is our strength!